As the results of the 2020 presidential election hang in the balance of vote counts, court battles and questions of fraud, the GOP is seemingly nowhere to be found. President Trump, e’er the fighter, vowed to take the battle as far as necessary to ensure the integrity of our electoral system, already filing lawsuits in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Nevada, and requesting a recount in Wisconsin.

Despite the GOP maintaining control of the Senate and gaining ground in the House, Republicans, who without a doubt won because of Trump, are nowhere to be found.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell defended his seat from challenger Amy McGrath this election cycle. McConnell made a tepid statement full of politician-speak in his victory remarks, supporting the President’s legal challenges but failing to call out impropriety around the country.

Senator Ted Cruz had little to say Wednesday, retweeting complaints about Twitter censorship of election matters and critiques of the polls leading up to the election. He did retweet Ben Shapiro questioning a ballot dump off in Michigan comprising of 128,000 votes cast for Joe Biden. However, he’s made no other statements in support of the President.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie went so far as to repudiate President Trump for claiming victory and making accusations of fraud.

Ben Shapiro tweeted: “No, Trump has not already won the election, and it is deeply irresponsible for him to say he has.”

Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are quiet.

The base is fired up, showing up at polling places around the country in protest. The mood on Twitter, however, grows more and more pessimistic by the day as boxes of ballots for Joe Biden mysteriously appear in localities where the candidate lags.

The President carries on, carrying the weight of this fight on his back as he has the entirety of his presidency. He was alone as Democrats called him a Russian asset. He was alone as he was impeached for Joe Biden’s dealings in Ukraine. He was alone when his Supreme Court nominee was drug through the ringer by false claims of sexual assault. He’s alone now as Democrats steal the presidency. The GOP retained the Senate and gained in the House, after all. They got theirs.

We probably shouldn’t be surprised by the GOP still hasn’t found its spine; at this point, it’s clear they never will. The party took advantage of all Trump has brought – we’re seeing historic support from the Hispanic and black community this election. Women made up at least ten of the seats won in the House. Trump doubled the LGBT support since 2016. Without a doubt, these gains benefitted Republicans down ballot.

The shift in demographics is huge, and will have long lasting effects in the years to come. Republicans will gladly reap the benefits as they hang Trump out to dry.

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